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Have you stepped into the circle?

December 02, 2015

This past Sunday, we used an illustration with a circle and Jesus at the center of it. We called it the circle of grace. Grace is the unmerited favor of God. We don't deserve it, we just receive it... by believing in Jesus. Once you are in the circle of grace, God doesn't kick anyone out. And grace is abundant and free for everyone.

So if you have entered into a relationship with Jesus and stepped into this circle, you'll find three things in this circle:

  1. Freedom
    When you step in the circle of grace, you don't have to sin anymore. We can feel so trapped by our sin. And some of you have named your trap and you walk as a victim of it. “Well that's just the way that I am.” No it's not. “That person is too old; they'll never change.” They sure can. If you're in the circle of grace. Jesus is calling you to greater things.

    When you step into the circle of grace, you literally have the freedom to not sin anymore because it does not hold power over you.
  2. Forgiveness
    Once you step inside this circle, you're forgiven. Past, present, and future sin. Gone. I know some that think all the sinning that you had done outside the circle is forgiven, but now that you're inside the circle, it's on you. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life.

    Is God outside of time? Yes or no? Yes. Did He know every sin you were going to commit before He ever created you? Yes. When you step into the circle of grace, forgiven. Forgiven. There are people that don't think that God can forgive them, but Jesus prayed for the people that were killing Him while they were killing Him. And if He can forgive them, he can forgive you no matter what you've done.
  3. Assurance
    “What do you mean 'assurance?'” Do you want to know you are going to heaven? Beyond a shadow of a doubt, do you know that you are going to heaven? Only these people... only the people that step into the circle of grace.

For more on being overwhelmed, click here. If you have been touched by this message or what God is doing for you, we'd love to hear from you. Tells us here!

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8245 N. Main St.
Old Fort, OH 44861
Phone: (419) 992-4336

Sunday Morning Experiences
Blended at 8:30 AM
Modern at 10:00 AM

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